Eddy Kalliski

ø 3m screw pumps en route to Auckland

In early November, two fish-friendly Archimedes’ enclosed screw pumps from FishFlow Innovations were loaded onto a ship to New Zealand. The screws have a diameter of ø 3 meters and a total length of almost 18 meters. The screw pumps will replace a pumping station that is located between Auckland and Hamilton. If the journey goes according to schedule, the screw pumps will arrive in Auckland by Christmas.

Eddy Kalliski

2 nominations for Pump Industry Awards 2019

Bells & Mocketts Pumping Station is nominated in 2 categories for the Pump Industry Awards 2019

The in 2018 commissioned pumping station with two fish friendly enclosed Archimedes’ screw pumps of Ø 2,5 metres is located on the Isle of Sheppey in the United Kingdom. The awards ceremony will be Thursday 21 March. The categories in which the pumping station is nominated are ‘Project of the year’ and ‘Environmental contribution of the year’.

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