In the drainage of polders, Archimedes screw pumps are commonly used in the Netherlands. Migrating fish can use these pumps to move from the polder to the open water. However, some fish get injured in the process. The FishFlow screw pump eliminates these issues and is 100% fish-friendly.
The FishFlow siphon fish ladder makes weirs, dams, and other structures passable for migrating fish. It is compact, relatively inexpensive, and can be implemented even in locations with limited space. It serves as an excellent alternative to the conventional fish ladder.
This revolutionary new tidal turbine from FishFlow Innovations is considered the most innovative hydroelectric turbine in the world by several research institutes. It is bi-directional, highly efficient, quiet, stormproof, has an unprecedentedly low cost per kilowatt, and is fish-friendly.
The Archimedes screw turbine is a unique version of the fish-friendly screw pump. It can be used as a fish-safe turbine to generate clean energy by positioning the screw so that water flows into it from above and drives it through water pressure. A major advantage of the screw turbine is that it can also be used as a fish-friendly pump by reversing its rotation.
Fish generally avoid sources of vibration and noise, such as pumping stations and hydropower plants. However, a strong migratory instinct can sometimes drive them to swim through, often with harmful consequences for both the fish and the systems. The FishFlow Innovations strobe fish deterrent utilizes fish’s natural aversion to bright light to keep them at a safe distance.
The FishFlow eel siphon is a modified version of the siphon fish ladder. By outfitting the siphon pipe with brushes instead of partitions, this eel siphon is non-passable for scaled fish but allows passage for glass eel and adult eel. This feature helps restore migration opportunities for eels in areas where the migration of other fish species is not desired.
Fish mortality during passage through hydropower turbines is a global issue, especially for migratory species. In collaboration with Pentair Fairbanks Nijhuis, FishFlow Innovations has developed a fish-friendly low-pressure turbine. This turbine is proven to be fish-safe and has similar efficiency rates to conventional low-pressure turbines. It is also often possible to retrofit existing turbines to make them fish-friendly.
Axial flow pumps (also known as radial pumps or even screw pumps) are the most commonly used pump type in Dutch pumping stations. Research shows that this type of pump is the most harmful to fish compared to other pumps, especially small axial pumps, which can be devastating to passing fish. FishFlow Innovations, in collaboration with Nijhuis Pompen BV, has developed a fish-friendly axial pump that can easily replace existing axial pumps.
The airlift is a highly effective solution against blue-green algae and fish mortality caused by water stratification in deep, still waters. This stratification, especially common in summer, leads to oxygen depletion at the bottom and an excess of phosphates at the surface. By pumping the lower water layers upward, the oxygen levels and phosphate concentrations are kept under control, maintaining water quality suitable for both humans and fish.
FishFlow Innovations has designed a cavitation-free bow thruster. Thanks to its patented shape, the propeller is whisper-quiet and highly efficient, significantly reducing your energy costs. And since the propeller doesn’t cavitate, it lasts longer. The design allows for easy replacement of conventional bow thrusters with this new silent version.
FishFlow Innovations has developed a fish-friendly drum screen by combining it with an Archimedes screw. It can serve as a fish-friendly, self-cleaning screen for water intakes, minimizing the intake of unwanted fish, jellyfish, and debris.